
Showing posts from January, 2021

Graph about the ways of news collecting from different sources

The pie chart below shows the ways of news collecting from different sources. Describe the chart. The pie chart provides information on how the ways of news collecting from different sources. It is seen from the chart that electronic media are very popular sources of news collecting among the people.  The chart displays that electeonic media occupies the first position in the chart. It indicates the highest number of people depend on electronic media for collecting news. According to the chart, 30% of people collect their news from the source. Another popular way of news collecting is social media. It occupies the second position in the chart. About 25%  of people rely on social media for their news. Online media is also used by a lot of people. According to the chart, 20% of people gather news from online media. People gradually losing their interest in print media because of modern technology. That's why, only 18% of people use primt media for getting news. Besides, some people c

Graph about family's household income distributed into different categories

The pie chart below shows the percentage of a family's household income distributed into different categories. Describe the chart in150 words. The pie chart provides information on how a family's household income is distributed intodifferent categories. It is seen from the chart that the family spends a considerable amount of money in each and every purpose.  The chart displays that the family spends the highest amount of its total income for food and it is 25%. Education ooccupies the second position in the chart. It indicates that the family expends the second highest amount of its total income for education and it is 22%. The segment of food and education proves the family gives much importance on food and education. Besides, 13% is spent for clothes and 12% is spent for transportation amd 5% is for power by the family. The family spends 8% of its total income to serve other purposes. The family saves rest of the amount of its total income and it is 15%. By analysing the cha